Whether it is a quadruped, biped, wheeled, winged, finned or ruddered device - the code is the key. In a modern world, where we see all types and kinds of AI that looks autonomous but is in fact remote controlled, my personal goal is to develop AI that can perform autonomic duties alongside of the human being.

One Life at a Time

Empower Heroes with Innovation:

MRR-Medical Rescue Robots

ERR – Emergency Rescue Robots

Bridging Technology and Safety


The power is in the code.

Join us in Shaping the Future

Empowering Hope: Faltenberg's Journey in Robotic Lifesaving

Meet Artur Faltenberg, a visionary at the nexus of medicine and technology, driven by a fervent passion for revolutionizing healthcare through Med-Tech. Intricate lines of code, may seem like gibberish to another, or one might ask, “Why not simply let “A.I.” generate it on a platform? These are all parts of one solution, in that Artur crafts robotic systems using enhancements, that originated as, did and do, most supremely from the human brain. His goal is to write original code and to utilize all tech faculties to push the envelope and transcend human limitations, performing intricate surgeries and delivering precise treatments, or by landing in a “danger zone” to facilitate a rescue or demonstrate protection over the wounded human, or even bot, one day, in any circumstances.

These robots aren't just “Medical Marvels”, or “Rescue Heros”; they are also lucrative assets. By commercializing this technology, the plan is to not only save lives but also to generate substantial wealth. Faltentech is committed to both humanity and entrepreneurship, in the spirit of knowing that growth comes from the soul, the entity & economics.

In Faltenberg's world passion, technology, and business converge to create a brighter, healthier future for all.